BBQ chicken linguine with roasted asparagus


Hello food friends and Happy New Year! I'm sorry that it's been so long since my last post. I ended up flying home for two weeks and took advantage of my mom's amazing platters. Fortunately, now that I know how she executes some of the best food I have ever tasted, I can pass them on to you!

Well, with the new year come new resolutions, and just like 75% of the rest of the country, I'm resolving to eat healthier and be healthier. My waistline definitely got a little swollen during Christmas, which strengthened my resolve to lose weight even more. So my hope is to find and perfect as many delicious and healthy recipes as possible. The very worse thing about a diet is finding yourself bored with the same tasteless low fat food.

This recipe was a lot of fun. It's pasta, which everyone loves, with a rich and familiar twist. The next time I make it, I'm definitely going to play around with it some more. I would suggest using a rich and tangy bbq sauce, I even added a little on top after serving it. And the roasted asparagus is a fantastic side veggie to this yummy dish!

bbq chicken linguine
(Slightly adapted from G. Garvin's Dining In)


1 lb dried linguine pasta
1 TB olive oil
1 Tb diced shallots (I just diced a red onion very small it was just as good)
1 tsp diced jalapeno chili pepper
12 oz boneless, skinless, chicken thighs, chopped
1/4 cup chicken stock or broth
3/4 cup homemade or store bought BBQ sauce


1. Cook pasta according to directions

2. While the pasta is cooking, heat the oil in a medium saute pan over medium heat. Add shallots and jalapeno pepper; saute for two minutes. Add the chicken; saute for 3-4 minutes, or until chicken is no longer pink.

3. Add the drained cooked pasta, the stock, and half of the bbq sauce. Simmer for 2 minutes then add the remaining bbq sauce. Serve with roasted asparagus.

Roasted Asparagus: Break off stems of asparagus at their natural breaking point. Coat with olive oil, salt and pepper. Roast at 400 degrees for 10-12 minutes, or until fork tender.
Serves 4

I'm sorry, I don't have the nutritional info for this recipe. However, bbq sauce is not high in fat, but if it's sweet, it may be a little higher in calories. Make sure to check the bottle. Just be sure to keep your portion size reasonable, (1 cup per person), load on veggies, and this will be a delicious and healthy meal.

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