Pumped up Rice and Beans


I tease my parents a lot for getting into funny "food ruts" where they find something they really like and then eat it over and over until they are completely sick of it, and can eat it no longer. One of their big kicks for a while was rice and beans, rice and beans? BORING! But after spending a lunch with them featuring rice and beans, I quickly realized how wrong my assumptions are. There is so much you can do with a simple bowl of rice and beans, without spending a lot of money, or compromising your jeans size! So, here is the way I like mine (not all ingredients will be featured in above picture as I did not have them all on hand!)

Stuff to Pile in your Bowl

white or brown rice
black bean soup, or any canned beans flavored to your liking (they're fine just plain too)
favorite cheese shredded
chopped tomato
chopped avacado
chopped green onion
chopped cilantro
favorite salsa
sour cream
whole grain tortilla chips either for dipping, or crumbling

Of course the possibilities are endless, this is just a start. If I had some shredded pork or chicken, I may have thrown that in there too! Hope you enjoy!

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