Be Back Soon!


I've noticed that I rarely seem to have a time in my life where I had the perfect balance of things to do. Just enough to keep my busy, but not too much that I don't still have an hour or two to myself. It's a nice thought, but usually I'll go through a major dry spell of very few responsibilities other then knowing what's going on at PerezHilton's website, or I have so much to do that my eyes start to cross a bit trying to stay organized. Right now I am dealing with the latter.

I really don't mind being so busy. It makes time go by quickly and I enjoy feeling fulfilled. But I am bummed that I don't get as much time to keep up on blogging, as well as checking in on fellow bloggers. And since I'm kind of an all-or-nothing type of girl, I'm going to take a couple weeks off to hopefully get organized so that I can come back in full force.

The great thing is that when I do come back, hopefully I'll get all sorts of great ideas for fall food since it's now upon us! So, enjoy the next few weeks, and I'll see you soon!

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