Camera Crisis


Hey food friends, it's been a while! Unfortunately it's going to be a while longer. With a breaking heart i have to announce that I'll be taking an indefinite break. Long story short, my luck with cameras has not been stellar lately and I don't have a way to take pictures of my food right now. It's honestly killing me, but such is life!

Before I do go, a big shoutout to Foodbuzz who sampled me with three beautiful bottles of olive oil. I have no doubt that I'll use them for a lot of things, but one of them was this delicious coconut chicken. If you don't like shrimp, this is a great substitute!

Be sure to keep in touch with me on facebook and I'll definitely check in with you all when I can. I'm praying that I'll have things back in order soon, but it's hard to say. In the meantime, happy cooking!

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