Dinner in a Pumpkin


Being new to this whole food blog experience, it has dawned on me now that this is probably one of those things that I should have posted about a month ago, and not after Halloween. Forgive the rookie? Anyway, this is one of those dishes that is full of nostalgia for me because my mom has made this every Halloween for as long as I can remember. I know it seems weird to eat something that was cooked in a pumpkin, but it is so delicious and very comforting. Plus, if you like winter squash, then you will love the soft cooked pumpkin on the inside, mmm. It's like a cross between spaghetti squash and butternut squash, and now that I'm an adult, it's probably my favorite part. You should really try this at least once, it won't disappoint.


1 small-medium pumpkin

1 onion chopped

1 lb hamburger

2 TB soy sauce

2 TB brown sugar

1 can cream of chicken soup

1-2 cups of cooked rice

1 can sliced water chestnuts


Cut off top of pumpkin and clean. Saute meat and onions until cooked-drain. Add soy sauce, brown sugar and soup. Simmer 10 minutes. Add rice adn water chestnuts. Spoon into pumpkin and replace top. Place pumpkin on cookie sheet. Bake one hour or until tender.

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