You Know You're a Foodie When...


Okay, maybe I'm wrong, but I consider someone to be a foodie when they have a real love and appreciation of good food, it doesn't mean you have to be a gourmet chef or anything (which I am not!) So, since we're all foodies, I thought it would be fun for everyone to leave a comment finishing this sentence to find out all the things we do to satiate our love of food. For instance:

You Know You're a Foodie When:

1. You go to Barnes and Nobles and spend most of your time in the cookbook section!

2. You stay up late at night thinking up new dishes you want to try.

3. You get excited when you find a new assortment of flavored oils that you've never even heard of (just the other day actually, lemon and lime flavored oils, awesome!)

What about you? The more comments the better, and I will post all of them in a few days! What do you do that makes you a foodie?

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