Awesome Cookie Cupcakes


I know it seems a bit silly posting a recipe like this after whining about how hard it's been staying the healthy course, but in my defense, I made these before making my goals, and they're just too fun not to post.

I couldn't help of thinking of my sweet bloggy friend Kim when I made these. If you know Kim, you know that she is the queen of all things cupcakes. I believe she's even turned savory dishes like lasagna into a cupcake, so fun! These are so rich and delicious, and a bit different from your average chocolate chip cookie because instead of chocolate chips, we used chocolate covered raisins, and chocolate covered peanuts, with mini M&M's to make them adorable. They can be made into full sized cupcakes as the picture shows, or for a more bit-sized treat, you can do mini muffin sized. And of course, they do just fine as regular cookies too. It was amazing to me how different the flavor and texture of these cookies were in cupcake form, so chewy and moist, a very fun variation on one of my favorite treats. I hope you enjoy!

Awesome Cookie Cupcakes


1 cup butter flavored Crisco (not butter, or margarine)
1 cup packed brown sugar
1/2 cup sugar
1 teaspoon vanilla
2 eggs
2 1/2 cups flour
1 teaspoon baking soda
1 teaspoon salt
1 cup chocolate covered raisins
1 cup chocolate covered peanuts
1/2 cup mini m&ms, optional


Heat oven to 350. Beat Crisco, sugars, and vanilla until fluffy. Add eggs and beat again until fluffy. Pour in flour, soda and salt. Stir until well-blended. Add chocolate covered nuts and raisins (fold in gently). Drop a large spoonful into muffin paper, filling 3/4 of paper. Bake 18-20 minutes, don't overbake!

Dough refrigerates very well, so you can make a few cookies at a time if desired.

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