The Winners!


Thanks for everyone that participate in the Silpat giveaway. The lucky winners are Jenn and Debbie! Congratulations ladies! I'll contact you to get your info.

And now's the time where I should post a recipe, but to be honest, it's Friday and I'm ready to lounge with my babes. I will leave you with a little rice tip that I discovered the other day though. I always end up making too much rice and I don't really like leftover rice, it just doesn't taste as good to me the next day. So I threw some in a skillet with olive oil, and cracked and egg right into it. I stirred it so the wet egg completely coated the rice, threw in some salt and pepper and kept stirring until the egg was cooked. It gave the rice such a nice flavor and texture, but it wasn't necessarily "eggy" tasting. A bit like fried rice, minus all of the other goodies. My picky little boy ate about three helpings of it, so we'll definitely be trying it again!

What does everyone have planned for the weekend? The area that I live in just had a Whole Foods open up so I'm patiently waiting for my hubby to get home so we can check it out! Is it weird to go to the grocery store on a date? Kim I think I'm going to try and find that cheese and bread that you posted the other day! Anyway, apparently I'm in a rambling mood, so I best be going to before I really get going. Have a wonderful weekend my friends and I'll see you Monday!

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