Taco Pockets


You know, while I was spending every waking minute munching, gorging and snacking on non-health food, I kept thinking to myself, "it's the holidays! as soon as they're over I'll be right back on track. I'm not out of control, I could quit anytime!"

Well, the holiday are now over and I'm experiencing what can only be described as holiday food withdrawals! I am just jones'n for some cookies, cake, and maybe a big fat cheeseburger. It's turning out to be much harder then I ever expected. But, hopefully with some self control and perseverance, the shakes will go away and I can start eating healthy without wanting to break down everytime I see a juicy rack of ribs being advertised on TV. (Have you ever watched Diner's Drive In's and Dives late at night? It's diet suicide!)

Annnnyway, to help those of you in the same boat, I thought I'd offer up a nice healthy recipe. My sister-in-law made these over our vacation and they were delicious. They are completely vegetarian, but trust me when I say you'd never know it! The bulk of the filling are black bean burgers that are typically found at Costco. Unfortunately our Costco doesn't carry them, so I will probably just make my own filling of black beans, bread crumbs and spices. Definitely try these, and take a deep breath with me as we try to detox from the holidays, aaaaaaaaaah.

Taco Pockets


2 Morningstar Farms Chipotle Black Bean Burgers, thawed and cut into 1/4 inch squares
1/2 cup salsa
1/2 cup shredded cheddar or monterey jack cheese
1/4 cup shredded pepper jack cheese
1/2 cup corn
1/2 cup chopped olives
2 teaspoons salt-free southwest or Mexican seasoning
10 8-inch flour tortillas
1 tablespoon butter or margarine, melted
chopped lettuce
sour cream


1. In a medium bowl toss together black bean burgers, salsa, Cheddar cheese, Pepper jack cheese, and seasoning.

2. Use pizza cutter to cut tortillas into 7-inch triangles. (Save trimmed edges for another use.)

3. Place about 2 tablespoons burger mixture in center of each triangle. Fold corners of large triangles. Secure with toothpicks. Place on baking sheet, toothpick side up. Brush with butter. Bake at 375 F for 9-12 minutes or until beginning to brown on top.

4. Arrange on top of shredded lettuce. Cover with garnishes if desired.

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